Tim Kaine on Libertarian ticket: 'Everybody knows they're not going to win'

(CNN)Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine has a message for voters considering a third-party candidate: They're going to lose.

"The argument against the ticket is, I think, everybody knows that they're not going to win," Kaine said of the Gary Johnson and Bill Weld Libertarian ticket in an interview with Yahoo News' Katie Couric this week.

Hillary Clinton's running mate pointed to the 2000 election as evidence that a protest vote for a third-party candidate can affect the outcome of the race -- and history.

"My argument against the (Johnson-Weld) ticket is the Al Gore-George W. Bush race in 2000. The third party candidacy of Ralph Nader cost Gore electoral votes in New Hampshire and Florida. And if Gore had been president, we probably wouldn't had a war in Iraq," he said. "Casting a vote, a protest vote, for a third-party candidate that's going to lose may well affect the outcome. It may well lead to a consequence that is deeply, deeply troubling. That's not a speculation, we've seen it in our country's history."
