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Thread: Patriotism

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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by sundaydriver View Post
    I pretty much discount anyone that calls themselves a Patriot. If someone is a Patriot, others point that out and that's were the credo lies.

    Sitting at a computer complaining all day to like minded people is not being a good citizen or doing anything for the countries problems. You have to get off your ass to do that.

    I was instilled with what it takes to first be a good citizen and that requires:

    Don't be a burden on society. Stand on your own two feet and don't rely on others to provide for you unless you are truly needy.

    Participate in your community to make it better. Join organizations that help others and improve where you live, attend town meetings, schoolboard meetings, anything that is a positive for where you live.

    Be a good person in daily life. You will find it returned.

    Defend the Country & way of life when required.

    Kudo's to the Patriots out there, you know who you are! I consider myself Patriotic but not a Patriot that takes more tan I have ever given. Trying to be a good Citizen is difficult enough!

    Kudo's to the Patriots out there, you know who you are!
    You damn right they do! They are not afraid to criticize those destroying this nation(dems, libs , socialist and leftists) and that massive monster the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THAT
    is systematically running a well organized agenda to do so!

    You are either 1. an outright liar, 2.truly ignorant or 3. else practicing self-deception IMHO--FOR NO TRUE PATRIOT WOULD SUPPORT THE CURRENT DEM PARTY IN ANY WAY!
    Even just a person trying to be a good citizen, would gather enough truth about what the dem party is now (Socialist) and race away from it..
    I've seen nothing from your posts here that suggest you have so informed yourself.
    So you give-- and to what party, eh??
    Are you willing to fight to defend this nation, our freedoms and our Constitution?
    Nothing you post leads me to believe you would fight--a patriot would fight!
    That is the definition of the word ...
    A patriot will speak out-not fearfully remain silent on the atrocities and deceptions practiced by the Socialist dem party--you do not.
    So cut the shit dude.
    Good citizen-- no way-- you are the average "go along to get along citizen"--the kind that thinks , he will let "the other--dumb guy" -fight,
    as he is too important to do such..
    And that, when most often its -he is too damn cowardly and too selfish to fight for what others have died to give him.
    Those that speak out as I do-- and others here also- are tagged and listed for future actions, by this Federal monster that -millions still think is our
    government (its not-- it almost entirely beholding to the globalists).
    The same government that called our returning war veterans - "potential terrorists".
    You haven't a damn clue what a true patriot is..

    I pretty much discount anyone that calls themselves a Patriot.
    Discount whomever the hell that you like-- your ego-driven discounting means nothing if ever you have to fight such brave and honorable men!!-Tyr

    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 10-10-2016 at 07:55 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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