And if possible, would this possibly surprise anyone?


Possible Illegal Coordination Between Clinton Campaign and Super PACs

A newly released email via WikiLeaks from Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook to the candidate herself, Hillary Clinton, suggests the campaign crafted a formal strategy to coordinate with at least two super PACs, Correct the Record and Priorities USA, potentially violating political campaign laws.

Madame Secretary,

Attached is a memo Marc prepared on some issues related to superpacs and
state parties we wanted to discuss with you next week, specifically (1)
coordination of rapid response with Correct the Record; (2) coordination of
some ads with Priorities; (3) use of state parties to defray costs; and (4)
suing the FEC to compel action against Bush and Republican superpacs.
I’ve talked with Huma and Alex about finding a time that might be
convenient for you. This is probably best to do in-person, but if your
schedule doesn’t permit, we’ll arrange for a call.
Let us know if you have any questions in advance!

The email comes with a memo as a pdf attachment addressing how the campaign believed it could use a reading of current law to coordinate legally. The memo, in part, outlines the strategy, as such:

***** snipped *****

It would appear they may have been willing to bend current campaign laws to the point of risking a court test to determine whether or not they may actually be breaking them.

Yesterday, The Intercept website reported that Neera Tanden, President of the Center for American Progress had expressed concerns in May over the campaign’s coordination with at least one Super PAC: “That’s fine. But skirting if not violating law doesn’t help her INMHO”.

More via The Intercept:

But as a recently released email chain shows, even Tanden was concerned in May last year that plans of a pro-Clinton Super PAC to directly coordinate with the campaign were “shady” and “skirting if not violating [the] law.

This is a developing story.