Now this tickles me.

This is all you get at Moonbat Central :

Around 4:30pm on Tuesday November 8, Democratic Underground was hacked, apparently by a supporter of Donald Trump. This person clearly knew what they were doing, and despite our best efforts we have not yet been able to resolve the issues caused by the hack.

We do not believe that any member data has been compromised. And we are confident that donor data has not been compromised because that information is handled by PayPal and never passes through to our servers. But at this time we are unable to bring our discussion forum online.

The hack was clearly aimed to cause maximum disruption on our busiest night of the year, and we deeply regret that we won't be able to spend election night with our great community of members. We ask for your patience while we continue to work to fix this problem, and while we do not have a time frame we will do our best to get DU back online as soon as possible.

If anyone has any information about the hack, or has knowledge that might help us to fix it, please feel free to contact us:

We will be posting updates on Facebook and Twitter.

We are deeply disappointed that this has happened. But we'll be back.

Skinner, EarlG, and Elad
DU Administrators

I wonder if they've got an alternate Safe Space?