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November 10, 2010
A Poem for the Marine Corps Birthday

VC reader Tim Taylor sent me a poem he wrote for the Marine Corps Birthday.

It's not easy to write poetry and even harder to share it. Tim writes:

"This came to me in a flash after hearing a story about a young Marine blinded by his wounds reaching up to feel the insignia of his visitor and then firing off a sharp salute to that officer."



Semper Fi

Though the body is battered
and broken
and no longer fit for the fray

The spirit cries out
and is willing
and again will carry the day

Semper Fi is a code
and a motto
but some know its deeper side
that lives in the heart
of the soldier
who is this nation's pride
for it's the heart that
is always faithful
that is ever so willing
to die

For the Cause
and the Nation
and Freedom
it has always been
Semper Fi

When liberty's honor
is threatened
and the straits
are desperately dire
the Corps will come
to the forefront
to offer her men
for the pyre
that burns on the
altar of freedom
and must not ever

Though we often
forget these heroes
they never forget
their cry:

"For the Cause
and the Nation
and Freedom
there will always be
Semper Fi"

Posted by Cassandra at November 10, 2010 01:52 PM