Preliminary list shows potential Trump Cabinet picks

Preliminary list shows potential Trump Cabinet picks
The Hill
The Hill
Nikita Vladimirov
13 hrs ago

Donald Trump's transition team has prepared a preliminary list of potential Cabinet members for his upcoming administration.

The list obtained by BuzzFeed News reveals a number of familiar faces including Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and others being weighed for multiple positions.

In total, the list includes 41 names and covers 14 different departments. A source told BuzzFeed that the list is not final, and will likely be changed in the future.

Attorney general picks include Chris Christie, Jeff Sessions and Rudy Giuliani.

Newt Gingrich, John Bolton and Bob Corker are listed as potential picks for the secretary of State.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus is the only name listed under chief of staff, while Sessions is also the only one being considered for director of Office of Management and Budget.

Potential secretary of Commerce picks include Christie and Huckabee, while Carson is under consideration to be secretary of Education.

Christie is also being weighed for secretary of Homeland Security, and Carson, Gingrich and Florida Gov. Rick Scott are potential picks for secretary of Health and Human Services.

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin also makes a surprise appearance on the shortlist, mentioned as one of seven potential candidates to become the Secretary of the Interior.
Not too big on Christie or Priebus for any position but the rest are ok IMHO..
The Palin pick is solid gold, if for no other reason than-- it will drive the moonbat leftist dem scum crazy! --Tyr