Fell asleep early, woke up early, might take a nap before going to work.

Came across this, which I think NT alluded to earlier? http://townhall.com/tipsheet/jasonho...ampaign=buffer

Democrat Senator to Harry Reid: You’re an Embarrassment

Jason Hopkins
Posted: Nov 12, 2016 11:24 AM

Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia did not appreciate what Harry Reid had to say after Trump’s election victory upset. To quote the conservative Democrat correctly, he told Reid he was, “an absolute embarrassment to the Senate as an institution, our Democratic party, and the nation."


Outgoing Senate Minority Leader Reid is not loved by Republicans, but to have a member of your party (and caucus) call you out so harshly should give you pause.
After Trump won the Electoral College, Reid referred to Trump as a sexual predator.

It may not be so surprising Manchin is taking this tone, however. Trump won West Virginia by a resounding 42-point margin. A Democrat in a state turning bright red, Manchin has had to be very careful navigating the political waters. He is already perhaps the most conservative Democrat in the Senate, but his election in 2018 may make him pivot even further right in the coming months. There were rumors that he may begin caucusing with Senate Republicans, but Manchin made clear this week he would continue as a Democrat while in office.


He made clear he'll stick with Democrats, but are there any likely flips to see in the near future? Seems that there's been a trend in past few elections for some of the members to flip to the majority party.