Paul Ryan was unanimously re-elected as Speaker of the House for the new Congress. It would take wholesale defections for him not to be elected by the entire House in January now.

Ryan also commented on the Bannon pick:
“This is a person who helped him win an incredible victory on an incredible campaign.” No criticism.
He knows the bottom line, he doesn't have to like him to work with him.

That's pretty much my take on the new President-elect. I said I'd give him time, I will. It's important that the country is governed, it's been a mess for 8 years. We're still involved in 5 wars.

I don't have to like the man for him to acknowledge if he is pursuing actions I think will benefit the country.

OTOH, one can 'like' a president and still know they suck.

It seems to me that if Trump realizes that many that really don't like him, still want him to succeed, and he holds back his tendency to attack he could be very successful.

If instead he reverts to the crazy stuff on attacking people on a personal level via twitter or at a podium, he will lose the good feelings that are likely without the nonsense.