the nervous violinist

soon the performance starts.
After so many years
stage fright still takes its toll.
I'm nervous. Listen:
People talk, subdued,
chairs moved gratingly,
someone coughs raucously.
Humid air and bad smells
already permeate the hall.
Will they distract me,
flaw my performance?
Have i practiced enough?
I look at my delicate hands.
Will they obey my mind's commands?
I think of you, sitting
placidly, expectantly, assured
on a front seat and i'll know,
i'll hardly dare look at you.
The stiff tuxedo chokes me to death,
but i must control myself.
I must be calm.

I move out, center stage,
take up my violin.
Then as always i forget
i'm in an imperfect world,
for what i play is sheer delight
pure masterpiece of harmony.
All else has no relevance
all evaporate into oblivion.
I am now in ecstasy, i drown
in the rhythm of perfection.


copyright © victor buhagiar | year posted 2017
exceptional poet and friend.
This is great free verse but i think he writes even betttttttttttttttter in rhyme.. -tyr