This ought to give some of you non freedom jerks some pause for reflection!!!!!!!

By CURT WOODWARD, Associated Press

SEATTLE - This fall, sober public servants will convene meetings across Washington state to answer a pressing question: How much marijuana constitutes a two-month supply?

The American Civil Liberties Union and some state lawmakers think it could be the beginning of even broader reforms by the state's Democratic-controlled Legislature.

But some patients wish the state wouldn't bother, spooked the government will make the limits too restrictive and cause more arrests for people in frail health...............

Adding to the debate, marijuana varies in potency, and different users use different amounts.

"I know the people of Washington state didn't want lawyers and judges and prosecutors arguing about little piddly details like this," Hiatt said. "Is the person sick? Yes. Are they using it with a doctor's permission? Yes. Then leave them alone."


What a trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!