Quote Originally Posted by sear View Post
"Coming here, and declaring the constitution...1st amendment, gives SHARIA law precedence over the U.S. Constitution is...on it's face...Loony" at

We are in absolute 100% accord on that.
ANYone that would ever make such a silly suggestion should be laughed out of the thread, and perhaps the forum.

But I have repeatedly asserted PRECISELY the opposite, initially in post #8,
and then reinforced it (for emphasis) in post #13.

"The first amendment, as stated, does not have anything to do with FOREIGNERS coming here to practice THEIR LAWS from their home nation. Truth is."

Whatever you say.
Our first article of amendment in our Bill of Rights protects such enumerated rights as the rights of free speech, and freedom of religion.

I have NEVER said Sharia trumps the Constitution.

PRECISELY the opposite. I couldn't have been more explicit about it than in post #8, where I quoted the supremacy clause.

"NON CITIZENS, or people from around the world who come here to become citizens...RAISE THEIR HANDS, AND SWEAR TO OBEY the constitution. And they also promise to FOLLOW U.S. Laws. There is no exemption to follow OTHER laws, like Sharia.
So, when you challenge me, or anyone else here. You owe it to yourself to assure you aren't speaking ..." at #14

Be sure and let us know as soon as that begins. OK?

Meanwhile, it's not clear to me why you're stating facts I've known for most of my 62 years, and pretending you're educating me. YOU ARE SIMPLY WRONG ABOUT MY POSITION.

And you are persuasively refuting an argument I have never made.

So at, is English your 2nd language? Is there some other linguistic deficiency I should accommodate in my future posts in this forum?

Re-read post #8 in this thread.
You can see I have not edited it.
And you can see I have NEVER implied or asserted Sharia trumps the supremacy clause.

Since it is obvious to most of us here, that you have no intention of admitting you might be totally wrong about the 1ST Amendment, and to whom it applies.

I will simply leave you to your ignorance, and I will remember this image, whenever I see your name here on DP.