Every once in a while, an opening act upstages the headliner. "Lost" creator J.J. Abrams did exactly that when the trailer for his unnamed horror movie inspired more fanboy excitement than the film it preceded—"Transformers."

Not to say "Transformers" is doing poorly in Search. Far from it. But Abrams' mysterious movie has people pumped, confused, and extremely curious. They're turning to Search for more on the flick, despite not knowing what the heck to search on.

Queries on "j.j. abrams movie" surged 97%, but that's not all. "Bad robot" (probably the film's production company) jumped 88%, and "cloverfield" (the movie's code name) spiked 71%. Even its release date, "1/18/08," rose an impressive 56%.

So, is the trailer worthy of the hype? Yeah, it's pretty cool. The cameras are handheld a la "Blair Witch," but, if the Statue of Liberty's disembodied head is any indication, it's going to have some rockin' effects, too. All it needs is a name...


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