To discuss the statement in the subject we have to agree on a couple points of view:

First - God and the area/space/reality God occupies is not bound by what we perceive as time. For example - God is not wherever God is counting the years going by and 'waiting' for time to pass before things happen.

- If we cannot agree God is bound to our perception of time we can't have any further discussion.

- If God is bound by our perception of time, God has an actual age. Yearly age.

So - if we agree we have to talk about things like "When". We have to agree the Bible tells us things that are true.

"At some point" Sheol/Hades will be 'cast into the lake of fire' and death and sin shall be no more.

I argue - based on the perspective of somebody who is Not within our time stream, that has very-much already happened. Because time is weird. You know, if Aliens were looking at Earth through telescopes today - Right now - their truth tells them our planet is inhabited only by dinosaurs. That's real. That's their right-now-reality. For us it's been millions of years.

Now thing about wherever God is - and God 'casting death and sin into the lake of fire' - and we looked at it through our Telescopes, we might see only - I dunno...something that happened at teh spot we're looking millions of years ago too.

But for God - everything that has done, is done.

To top it off - because of God's realm being outside our time sensations/perspective. And when christ died he already WENT to 'hell' and preached to and freed those held-captive....every soul who ever had or who ever 'will' go to that place was freed. Then Christ secured Hell and holds the keys to that place.

All that is/has/was done in a perspective of time we are not yet at.

This man explains what he believes, and I believe it - he doesn't touch the time-travel-esque stuff, but he explains with references.
