This is grammar school shit, Schumer is playing the same game as Maxine Waters. Look, I have no problem with any investigation, but it shouldn't impede the rest of the work, and congress critters shouldn't be using every waking moment to try and exact some made up revenge. They simply can't find anything but will run with it forever anyway. At least with the Hillary email crap there was actual proof. And while absolutely nothing is being found, and therefore nothing being done, it's a huge waste of taxpayers money, not to mention a waste of time that can be used on better things.

Do they want to find ways to bash Trump about things he did or is doing wrong? Well then hell, forget about this stuff that has no meat, he's giving them PLENTY of other things to run with besides this aka Russia. I don't think it's going to harm him in the long run without any proof. Hell, it may even help him if they bore the public with no proof crap and such agendas. So who knows who it will harm/help. But he's definitely giving them ammunition with his Twitter crap, horrible timings, bad executions & not to mention outright bad choices/actions on some things.


Schumer: Democrats May Refuse to Vote on Trump FBI Pick

The top Democrat in the U.S. Senate said on Sunday that Democrats would consider refusing to vote on a new FBI director until a special prosecutor is named to investigate President Donald Trump’s potential ties to Russia.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said his caucus has not yet made a decision on whether to withhold their votes, but added that the issue is being looked at as a way to ensure there is a thorough investigation of alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.

"To have that special prosecutor, people would breathe a sigh of relief because then there would be a real independent person overlooking the FBI director," Schumer told CNN's "State of the Union" program.

Trump sparked a political firestorm when he abruptly fired James Comey, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation last week. The FBI has been investigating alleged Russian meddling in the U.S. election and possible ties between Moscow and the Trump campaign.

Russia has denied the claims and the White House says there was no collusion.

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