This is kinda retarded. I'm no fan of the majority of muslims, but no no place of religion should have to worry about this kind of crap, not even Islam.


Mosques Warned to Prepare for Potential Ramadan Arsons

Mosques across America have been warned to implement “best practices” for preventing arson as the Islamic community prepares for the month of Ramadan, which begins the last week of May.

“American Muslims should never be afraid to worship or attend their mosque,” said Madihha Ahussain, special counsel for anti-Muslim bigotry at Muslim Advocates. “But we know we have to look out for the safety and security of our community, now more than ever.”

Ahussain pointed to five mosque fires reported this year – in Austin, Texas, Victoria, Texas, Bellevue, Wash., Tampa, Fla., and Pittsfield Township, Mich. – as his group’s motivation for the arson warning.

The arson warning came from Muslim Advocates as the Council on American-Islamic Relations released a report showing a 57 percent increase in anti-Muslim incidents in 2016 over the previous year.

The “Empowerment of Hate” report also said the spike in anti-Muslim incidents was accompanied by a 44 percent increase in anti-Muslim hate crimes during the same period.

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