1. For my boy and his two buddies, on their trip to Oregon. The three are only 15, and have to get their gears, bags, get a shuttle, and to a hotel late tonight. Then they have to shuttle back to the airport to get picked up by the camp shuttle. Next Saturday, return trip, private limo (van) to the airport, check in, change planes in Vegas.

2. For my friend Reba, who lost a breast to cancer. It looks like they got it all, but the reconstructive surgery failed.

3. For my friend David and his two daughters, who's wife off'd herself last week.

4. For sis#1, who had her hip replaced for the second time, now in 6 month recovery stranded at home and can't work. I hope her hubby gets off his ass and at least cleans the house.

5. For sis#2, who's hubby had a breakdown a while back, and turned from a CEO to some guy who sits on the couch all day and can't even cut the grass. I hope they can sell their house soon and not take too much of a loss.