Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
I confess. I put pepper in my V-8. Of course, I put salt and pepper on just about everything (not ice cream )

What I think is weird as Hell:

Ketchup on eggs

Ranch dressing on pizza

Calling ground meat, shredded lettuce, shredded cheese and diced tomatoes on a tortilla chip shell a taco.
I thought V8's were for the gay folk?

Ketchup on eggs is almost a MUST. And it IS a must if it's an egg sandwich! And also with eggs and pork roll, "salt, pepper and ketchup" is a must!

If someone puts ranch dressing on their pizza... it makes it legal in 47 states to kick their ass right their in the pizza place.

And of course that's a "taco" WTF did you think it is? And of course it needs sour cream!!

And Brits eating bakes beans for breakfast?? WTF?? I love 'em, but they are weird sometimes!!