Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
I thought V8's were for the gay folk?

Ketchup on eggs is almost a MUST. And it IS a must if it's an egg sandwich! And also with eggs and pork roll, "salt, pepper and ketchup" is a must!

If someone puts ranch dressing on their pizza... it makes it legal in 47 states to kick their ass right their in the pizza place.

And of course that's a "taco" WTF did you think it is? And of course it needs sour cream!!

And Brits eating bakes beans for breakfast?? WTF?? I love 'em, but they are weird sometimes!!

Ketchup is for women, children & old folks. Tabasco or salsa verde is the only thing to use

Ranch dressing on pizza? Nope

Taco's in most areas are NOT tacos. The ones shown on TV are Americanized versions and are NOT to be trusted.

Same thing for chili with beans.

British baked beans for breakfast seems to be a staple of the United Kingdom, but then again they like eel pie and mash. I like beans (good thing too as they served it in some format daily on board the Cutters), so it don't scare me.

And the V8 thing, I know I use a LOT of Tabasco, but that shit tears up my stomach!