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Officials probe U.S. cleric's possible influence on London attackers: sources

Investigators are looking into whether or not the Islamist militants who attacked civilians with a truck and knives in London last Saturday may have been inspired in part by a U.S. cleric, European and U.S. government officials said.

The cleric, Ahmad Musa Jebril, who had been living in the Detroit area for some years, is one of several described by authorities as online propagandists who could have influenced the three attackers, said the officials, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Jebril was first identified on Sunday as a possible inspiration for the London attacks when the British Broadcasting Corporation ran an interview by its Asian Network with a former friend of one of the attackers, whom he said listened to Jebril's sermons posted on the internet.

"I have heard some of this stuff, and it's very radical," the former friend said.

"I am surprised this stuff is still on YouTube and is easily accessible," the man said. He said he had phoned a British government anti-terrorism hotline to report what he had heard and seen.

Several attempts by Reuters to find Jebril to obtain comment were unsuccessful. Jebril is a U.S. citizen of Palestinian descent.

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