Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
Enter the "ruthless" ...
The ONLY thing that has ever stopped Islam from spreading is brute force. Nothing else has worked. They've been at it since Xerxes was ruler of Persia. Gloss it over in the name of Allah but it's the same people doing the same thing. Lots of people needlessly die before anyone does anything to stop them.
they've claimed that they were going to "rule the world" since Xerxes and it still hasn't happened.
there are Billions of muslims in the world now.
some living in our neighborhood probably but somehow there's peace with most of them.
If we're being objective, and not looking for a new boggieman after the cold war, those facts will matter in how we deal with "islam" as well.

Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
The world is his for now. That should led be obvious just by watching the news.
it's his but he's on leash Abbey, God's not sleeping. When i look at the world I can see God's hand as well. can't you?