Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
Lincoln believed that destroying a Nation was justified so long as it held together on paper. The VERY SAME geographical divides exist today as did then. Changing the names doesn't change the facts.

It is regrettable that a REALLY small minority of Southerners got to speak for the South. The rich ones. The ones that could afford slaves. The rest of the South was fighting to keep DC and yankees from dictating how we live down here from up there.

The North wanted to force the South to sell their goods to the North at lower than market prices. The South wanted to sell in Europe where they made money. Slavery was just an excuse, as there always is one for one side of a disputer to force its will on the other.

If I join a gym freely, am I required to stay for life simply because its the owners' beliefs I should but no legal documentation supports it? It would be laughed out of court. There also is some wording about mutual benefit? When that no longer exists, neither do the original parameters of the deal.

When Jackson appeared McClellan would have had his ass kicked had he pursued Lee. He didn't actually win anything. He just managed to not lose. Lincoln was definitely desperate to claim victory and free slaves he had no power to free at the time. Then he fired McClellan. Again.

Again I will point out, calling something by a label is wonderful. When you practice slavery yet come up with a different label it is no less what it is ... slavery. Telling me I have "Rights" that exist on paper but not in practice unless I can afford them means to me we have evolved little during our existence as a Nation. Remember, the Nation was founded by rich people for rich people because they didn't want to pay their taxes.
Except it's amazing to me that Virginia is blue.