Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
No, not actually. As surprising as it may sound. The CO (captain) doesn't spend all of his/her time on the bridge paying attention. There are watch standers on the bridge, 24/7 with the OOD (Officer of the Deck) performing the navigation, control duties IN PLACE OF THE CO. And several other enlisted/officer types may be there during all hours.
During SPECIAL SEA DETAIL (entering and leaving port) the personnel are doubled with lookouts, navigation, taking bearings etc. Overall, the CO is totally responsible for EVERYTHING that takes place, even if not on the bridge (in the pilot house).
BOTTOM LINE....I suspect, somebody on watch...wasn't paying attention. As I said before. At that time of the morning, watch standers are going to chow, getting relieved, and changing watchstanders for the next 4 HOUR watch.
We need to wait for the details in order to know...what, and why it happened.
Well alrighty then, I think they were rammed.