I took longer than one hour, oh well sometimes real life happens. Guess where we went for lunch. Dearborn! And no one told me I couldn't go anywhere...but, but, but, you have videos...oh my God, I guess I didn't just see what I saw.

Now, You seem to think that because I somtimes don't spend my life online answering you that I'm running away, as you put it. That's not true, sometimes I see no reason to. You shoudn't confuse tolerance with weakness.

I don't read what others post? Yes I do. The problem is you people don't acknowledge what I post. Dearborn isn't muslim, how many times do I have to say that? It doesn't matter, you're convinced it is and nothing short of capitulation will appease you.

I insult you and I'm weird? I am weird, I actually have the balls to stand up to you, that's what you mean by weird. I have no respect for you, I have even less respect for the pussies who have tolerated you.

I said a few days ago that you act like a little bitch, and you do. It's no wonder to me you throw the word snowflake around as much as you do, if anyone would know a snowflake it's you. Someone says something you don't like, you get aggressive immediately and try to shout them down and bring other people into the fight you started. That's you, and that's also a snowflake.

This is the big mistake you made, you questioned my service. I disagree with you and I'm all of a sudden a panty wearing snowflake who is unAmerican? You don't speak for veterans and you should stop trying to. I don't need support, I can defend my position by myself but you do need support, you are a huge pussy. The first time you insulted me was the thread about not standing for the national anthem. I disagreed with you and I was what? How did you put it? We both know what you said. You don't speak for me shitbird nor do you speak for anyone else, veteran or not, so shut your cockhole. Calling names, insults, following people around the board that you don't like, yes, that's your style, and you're a shitbird.

One more thing. Stand for yourself you little pussy. If you have an opinion and want to defend it then do it but don't call on others to come help you...unless you're a weak little asswipe. Jim doesn't matter, if I have a problem with you then you should answer me, not Jim. Gunny didn't say what you said, why ask him to come back you up? You can't speak for yourself? I already knew that, you can't.

You are the worst person I've run into. You are a fucking bigot. Then after you say bigoted shit you wrap it in the American flag and then if anyone at all says anything about you, you call them anti-American...you did it to me. You're the classic example of the scoundrel.

And one more thing, if your service outranks a civilian in your mind then do my deployments outrank your service? Whatever, doesn't matter, just fuck off you bigoted prick.

I've said all I have to say to you. No more, anywhere.