If he joined in 2001 then he has served at least six years. That tells me he has re-enlisted at least once. His MOS could be a factor in how often he is deployed. It's not mentioned as to what he does. He's a GI, that means government issue. He's the property of the military. If he doesn't want to be deployed again I think he needs to see about getting out. He'll have to repay his enlistment bonus though.

A family friend is just waiting to go back. He's scheduled for December. He volunteered to go earlier but they said he had to wait because he hasn't been back a year yet. My nephew, who's making a career of the army, has been three times. He took part in the invasion as a member of the 3rd ID. Then did two more tours. He has a wife and 6 kids. He hates being deployed but he deals with it. It's part of the job.