I had wondered about this. There's been all kinds of requests and push for various investigations into Hillary and the Clinton Foundation. I would have thought that since Trump is calling for the same, that they would be all over it. I'd like to know the conversations behind the scene.


Federal Judge Smacks Down DOJ Lawyers Protecting Hillary – Will Review Redacted Clinton Emails

Why is Tillerson’s State Department and Sessions’ DOJ protecting Hillary Clinton?

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch announced Thursday that a federal judge will personally review, on camera, redacted material from Hillary Clinton’s emails during her time as Secretary of State.

Via Judicial Watch:

Judicial Watch announced today that a federal judge will personally review, in camera, redacted material from emails discussing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of iPads and iPhones during her tenure at the State Department. Judge Kollar-Kotelly also ordered the State Department to file an affidavit addressing why it should not have to search new Clinton emails recovered. In taking these steps, the court rejected arguments by the Tillerson State Department and its lawyers at the Sessions Justice Department.

The court will review the blacked-out information so as to better ascertain whether the government misconduct exception would require the release of the full emails. Generally speaking, the government misconduct exception prevents government agencies from withholding information that would shed light on government wrongdoing under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017...linton-emails/