Quote Originally Posted by darin View Post
Yeah. I say they are the same. Most sleep/nighttime meds use +/- the same antihistamine. The active ingredient is all that really matters because the other ingredients aren't active...they don't DO anything really

If my kid/dog/loved-one gets be stung and starts to react, and I scream "Get Benadryl!!" you'd better bring anything with an anti-histamine.
But you wouldn't want me to bring him unisom. Then again, it would likely work, just make him sleepy too, which of course the benadryl would do. Also, it's possible that other medicines with diphenhydramine, may also have another active ingredient that you don't want. But I know what you're saying and agree otherwise.

Rick's wife had some spray when I was visiting them, The forehead sting I got hurt like hell! But she sprayed this crap, I wiped it in a tad, and within seconds the pain was gone and the swelling going down already. Good product, whatever it was!