Big young man punching older guy..................young `punching dude` is very lucky he didnt run into the WRONG GUY...The cops know who the puncher is...(through social media)..they are looking for him....thats why he took off with his girl friend after he punched the older guy.

Here is how it went down:

~ "Panthers fan sucker-punching another fan during Thursday night’s game at Bank of America Stadium...
dude bro & his chicka `were standing for the entire game` (blocking view)..... words gradually got more and more escalated.

There previously was a single mom and her son between us, they left halfway through the 3rd. after that, the lid was off. the older dude took offense to the couple never sitting down and obstructing his view. the victim telling the dude bro how they’re being jerks and how rude they are for not sitting." ~