Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
Well, again, I really have to disagree. Christ did not "accept" homosexuality in any shape, way or form. He knew it existed, but did not accept it. The Holy Trinity is God, and God is Christ, and Christ is the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is God, and if you're truly a Christian, then you believe the word of God, and the word of God is clear. If you decide to defy the word of God on homosexuality, then you are not doing as a Christian would do. You are doing as what you see to do as a human being, making up your own mind, you are not following the Bible. God/Christ would never have signed that document. That's like saying that God didn't mean what he said in the Bible.
Christ accepted Sin as the condition. The ONLY people he vocally rebuked were the religious leaders of the day. He accepted man's fallen condition. But. But he already 'saved' us because death (which is sin) and hell are cast into oblivion (if you think of time and its relative nature that has already happened)...and anyone who was imprisoned in hell was freed after christ died and let those imprisoned out of hell. Then christ closed the gates of hell and all that. One thing that itches me - you're taking a specific act that appears NOWHERE in the bible and assuming what Christ would or wouldn't have done. If Christ would dine with "sinners" (back in the day dining with someone meant something special), he'd sign stuff.

So - the point is - Because of what we learn through scripture - the examples Christ sets, love trumps everything. Love trumps condemnation. Let me ask you this - was that Colonel loving his neighbor like he loves himself? If HE wanted or expected a signed 'thank you' for his spouse, would he want someone to avoid singing it? remember, when asked, Christ said "loving your neighbor as yourself is the greatest commandment - along with loving God. That means if you need to rank stuff, Loving our neighbors is more-important than not-committing adultery. IF we were forced to rank things.

Love wins, Tom.