Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
Almost clever, but not there. I know how computers work and we don't have AI yet that passes the turing test.

Because nothing is black and white. I was actually a church goer in a Pentecostal church for years until about high school where my mind started to open and questions rose up. I left the church after meeting with a pastor who told me I was damned to hell because of my doubt. I was like "peace, I'm out". I want nothing of your god if that is his bullshit.

Simply because I'm in a community here full of christians. If it were a muslim or hindu community I'd invoke their faiths. I am more against religion because it is man made ritual and power. As I've said many times in this thread, I am open to a higher power, but it is not one from our religions.
Jesus was against rituals and defied them. That's why they killed him.