And if proven guilty, it's more than deserving. MORE than deserving. I literally can't stand men who would sexually harass, abuse or rape. I find men like that despicable.

There's a growing list in Hollywood of men that did just that over the years, and it's growing daily. And then some of the men are getting accused multiple times.

My only problem is - I hope they get investigated properly, most of them anyway. It's a very difficult line. Your first instinct when you see multiple women accuse someone of sexual harassment years back, is to believe them, as why would more than one woman speak up. But what if perhaps the initial accusations are legitimate, but then some women are jumping on the bandwagon? For example, someone gets accused of 3 different times of sexual harassment. Suppose one of the accusers made up their accusations, because since much time has passed, there would be no evidence and it would be word versus word? Since the accused technically did 2 of them, does it matter that the 3rd person is lying? Then of course instances, now that it's skyrocketing, that perhaps someone out there may accuse as a revenge tactic? I'd hate to see someone swept up in all of this that was truly innocent. And then perhaps the worst scenario of all, someone being the harasser or rapist and then not being accused and/or getting away with it.

I want those accused to see justice. If evidence and crimes committed, maybe even prison time (Weinstein). I'm not in any way at all protecting any of these scumbags. I just know that I've seen a LOT of accusations turn out to be false over the years. So I hope folks don't have lives ruined without even the most basic of investigations.

Here's a list of the famous accused thus far.

It all started with Bill Cosby, and there are 90+?

Harvey Weinstein - 80 and counting - police involved in NYC, LA and London as well.
Kevin Spacey - at least 3
Louis CK - 5
Jeffrey Tambor
Ben Affleck - 2
Roy Price
Oliver Stone
James Toback - multiple
Andy Dick - multiple
George HW Bush - 4
Mark Halperin - 12
Michael Oreskes - 8
Jeremy Piven - 3
Dustin Hoffman - 2
Brett Ratner - 6
Ed Westwick - 2
Steven Seagal - 2