Well, talking about the apple not falling very far at all. NOTHING sharia related should ever be applauded, IMO.

Some of the responses should be applauded though.


DUMB AS A BRICK=> Chelsea Clinton Celebrates New Sharia Law Barbie Doll – Gets DESTROYED on Twitter

Staunch feminist Chelsea Clinton took to her Twitter account to celebrate the new Sharia compliant, hijab-wearing Barbie doll.

Millions of women are abused and oppressed under Sharia law and Chelsea Clinton thinks it’s great!

Chelsea Clinton tweeted out a People article celebrating the first ever Barbie to wear a hijab in the brand’s 58-year-history:

Barbie’s breaking barriers! Ibtihaj Muhammad was the first-ever U.S. Olympic athlete to compete wearing a hijab at the 2016 Rio Olympic games. And now she has her very own Barbie — the first to ever wear a hijab in the brand’s 58-year history.
Nothing says ‘breaking barriers’ like going back several centuries and treating women like property! Amirite, ladies?

“LOVE this. Barbie made their first hijab-wearing “Shero” doll in honor of American fencing star Ibtihaj Muhammad:” Chelsea Clinton tweeted. (picture of doll below)


Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017...royed-twitter/