Why not? Why not prove your case? Why say no when the man you claim assaulted you is defiantly saying he did no such thing, and that the signature isn't even his?

Of course it's been shown that the signature was faked - but they can't get experts in there to say for sure as they won't cooperate. At least not until after the election I bet. There is video in the 2nd link, of his attorney and you can see how she evades the question and won't talk about it.


Moore: Accuser Won't Hand Over Yearbook Because Allegations 'Untrue'

Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore reportedly claimed the reason his accuser won't hand over a yearbook that she maintains is evidence he engaged in sexual misconduct four decades ago was because the allegations were "completely untrue," The Hill reported Saturday.

"What they have alleged is completely untrue," Moore told Aaron Klein in an interview on New York's AM 970 "The Answer" set to air Sunday.

Gloria Allred, attorney for the accuser, Beverly Young, had offered to hand over the yearbook to a congressional committee if they held hearings on the allegations. Young claims Moore made inappropriate sexual advances toward her when she was 16 years old.

The yearbook reportedly has a note that reads, "To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say Merry Christmas. Christmas 1977. Love, Roy Moore, D.A."

Moore attorney Phillip Jauregui, who has called for the yearbook to be released to an independent examiner, suggested "D.A." were the initials of Moore's assistant at the time.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/Politics/Roy.../18/id/826955/

Judge Moore BLASTS Gloria Allred For Refusing to Hand Over “Fake Yearbook” For Third Party Analysis

As previously reported, Crooked Attorney Gloria Allred Hasn’t Even Asked Her Client if She Saw Roy Moore Sign Her Yearbook!

There are many red flags with the yearbook Gloria Allred and her client Beverly Young Nelson brought forward as ‘proof’ Roy Moore interacted with Nelson in her place of work.

On Monday Gloria Allred and her client Beverly Young Nelson accused Judge Roy Moore of attempted rape in 1977.

On Wednesday Allred refused to say the yearbook signature was not a forgery.

Moore’s attorney also called on the accuser to release the yearbook to determine if it is indeed the Judge’s signature inside on it.

“We demand you immediately release the yearbook to a neutral custodian so our expert can look at the actual document, release the yearbook so we can determine is it genuine or is it a fraud,” Jauregui told reporters in Birmingham, The Hill reported.

On Thursday she told MSNBC that she did not even ask her client if she say Roy Moore sign her yearbook!

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017...arty-analysis/