So when is the world going to learn? When this hairdoodle maniac actually does bomb someone? Everyone has been sitting back and allowing them to more or less do as they please, while other countries wouldn't receive such treatment. The sanctions have proven time and time again that they fail with NK.

I'm not saying to nuke them, but SOMETHING needs to be done militarily speaking, somehow take this out of control regime out of power.


US slams North Korea missile test as Kim claims 'whole US mainland' in reach

(CNN)North Korea tested an intercontinental ballistic missile Friday that appears to have the range to hit major US cities, experts say, and prompted a fresh round of condemnation from the United States, China, Japan and South Korea.

A combination of US, South Korean and Japanese analyses of the launch from Mupyong-ni, near North Korea's border with China, shows the missile flew about 45 minutes, going 3,700 kilometers (2,300 miles) high and for a distance of 1,000 kilometers (621 miles).

If the missile were fired on a flatter, standard trajectory, it would have major US cities such as Los Angeles, Denver and Chicago well within its range, with the possible ability to reach as far as New York and Boston, according to David Wright, a missile expert at the Union of Concerned Scientists.

However, early analysis of Friday's test cannot determine how heavy a payload the missile was carrying in its warhead, Wright said. The heavier the payload, the shorter the range.

South Korea's joint chiefs of staff said they estimate the missile tested Friday is more advanced than one launched earlier this month based on the range it traveled. Experts had said that test showed Pyongyang had the ability to hit Alaska.

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North Korea Missile Launch Appears Calibrated to Avoid American Military Response

Pyongyang’s test of longest-range missile yet demonstrates advances in campaign to build weapons that can strike U.S.

SEOUL—North Korea’s latest ballistic-missile test Wednesday appeared calculated to avoid crossing red lines that could provoke military action by Washington while demonstrating an advance in the country’s campaign to build nuclear weapons capable of striking the U.S.

Pyongyang said the test of its longest-range missile yet showed it could target the entire U.S. But the latest launch wasn’t as provocative as other steps it has threatened, including firing missiles at Guam, shooting down U.S. aircraft in international airspace, or exploding a thermonuclear device over the Pacific.

Analysts weren’t ruling out such actions down the road. But for now, close observers of the regime say the test of what Pyongyang described as a new Hwasong-15 missile with a “super-large heavy warhead” was calibrated to demonstrate North Korea’s status as a nuclear-weapons state without following through on more extreme threats that could lead to war.

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China expresses "grave concern" over North Korean missile test

BEIJING (Reuters) - China expressed "grave concern" on Wednesday after North Korea fired what appeared to be an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that landed close to Japan.

China hopes all parties act cautiously to preserve peace and stability, foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told a regular news briefing.

The Latest: Haley: NKorean missile ‘brings us closer to war'

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The Latest on global response to North Korea’s latest missile launch (all times local):

8 a.m. Thursday

U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea’s ballistic missile launch “brings us closer to war” that the U.S. doesn’t seek.

She told an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday that if war comes as a result of further acts of “aggression” like the latest launch “make no mistake the North Korean regime will be utterly destroyed.”

Haley says the Trump administration warned North Korea that its future is in the hands of its leaders and the choice was theirs.

With Tuesday’s launch, she said, Kim Jong Un’s regime made a choice — “and with this choice comes a critical choice for the rest of the world.”

She called on all countries to cut all ties to North Korea.'