"Since I was in 4th grade..." ---- who the hell believes anything that comes out of the idiots mouth. And $19 a pop? She's more insane than I originally thought.

Sold out my ass. That's a tactic at the beginning of a sales campaign, to start and then quickly claim sold out, and then she'll be back very shortly with a full load. Making it all seem like it's a "craze" of some sorts.

What a lying POS.


Rachel Dolezal Is Trying To Commercialize Her Fake Blackness Just In Time For Christmas

Rachel Dolezal is back and now this time she’s trying to commercialize her status as an alleged black woman by selling calendars urging people to “get woke.”

Dolezal, a white woman claiming to be black, is now selling a 2018 calendar of herself on her personal website. Dolezal’s calendar, which has already sold out, features various pictures of her striking poses with a collection of inspirational quotes Dolezal came up with.

“2018 Calendar featuring photos of Rachel Dolezal by four portrait photographers & her own inspirational quotes. With dozens of important birthdays and Black History facts throughout the year,” the website description reads.

In the calendar picture for December, Dolezal is draped over a beam in a black dress with the quote “Stay woke and ready to change the world. You never know when an important opportunity will arise.” For April, Dolezal urges people to not “give up, give in, compromise or quit. Rest a little and take a breath, then stand up, raise your chin and press on.”

The collection of pictures of Dolezal and her inspirational quotes costs $18.99.

Dolezal previously launched “melanin spectrum dolls” and “Gimme Some Sugar” lollipops in November. The dolls, which represent a broad range of different skin tones, can be purchased for $75 for a group of four.

“Since I was in the 4th grade, I made lollipops to sell at school to earn money to pay for new shoes and clothes,” Dolezal said on her website.

Dolezal did not return The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment in time for publication.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2017/12/08/ra...for-christmas/