They ran with and still run with apparently with the "stronger together". And they're still doing so even after Shrillary is long gone, so that they can band together to help break laws. And then when they believe "Someone is going low", they consistently go high with their attacks. Either that, or I think these nitwits are just high all the time!


Wall Supporters, Left-Wing Activists Clash at Border Rally

Clashes broke out at a rally held Saturday on Saturday supporting President Donald Trump’s border wall in Otay Mesa, California, as left-wing counter-protesters taunted them and chanted for amnesty for illegal aliens.

According to the local CBS affiliate:

The rumble ensued when a small group of counter-protestors started a chant from the rear of the gathering, apparently yelling “Racists go home!”

A group of wall supporters equal in size carrying flags moved in quickly and engaged in a shouting match with the other side as deputies and police stood by. What began as face-to-face shouting and chest bumping escalated, and seconds after the first shove by a counter-protester the first punch was thrown by a wall supporter.

That fight spawned several others, and in every direction, small huddles of people were kicking up dust — some trying to pull foes off of grounded and outnumbered friends, others turning flags upside down and taking their best shot at opponents’ heads and bodies.
There were no injuries and no arrests.

Videos circulated on social media depicting the clashes (content warning).

Some activists supporting the wall drove from as far away as Arizona to attend:

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