I Watched You Making Fresh Coffee Early This Morn

I watched you making fresh coffee early this morn,
thinking you healed me when I was ripped and torn
and from first touch, kiss and bright smiling hello
your eyes said, "come on now and away we shall go"!

How on our first date you told me truth you wanted
not the wealth that other men so vainly flaunted
and with that faithful moral and character stand
how later, we both accepted our wedding bands.

Darling, this about you I know and dearly love
you are gentle but so firm when push comes to shove,
and in your heart rests an angel's sweeter touch
your inner grace and deep beauty I love so much!

Last night, you glowing in that dress of brightest blue,
I know they wondered this, how I ever got you,
with that this truly blessed heart nearly leaped out
and you my wife are all I ever think about!

I watched you making fresh coffee early this morn,
thinking you healed me when I was ripped and torn
and from first touch, kiss and bright smiling hello
your eyes said, "come on now and away we shall go"!

Robert J. Lindley,
Romanticism (LIFE AND LOVE)
Dedicated to my daring wife.

Syllables Per Line:
12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12
Total # Syllables: 240
Total # Words: 192