Quote Originally Posted by Bilgerat View Post
We all know that in recipes thread, I'm not screaming for assistance

But seriously, I miss the stuff. Especially on a cold day, that really gave you a leg up on the day.

On the Coast Guard thread on Facebook, someone posted their recipe, on I plan on giving a try.

Anyone else have a good one?

S.O.S. Coast Guard Style

1lb ground beef. 1 sm onion minced.
Add onion salt pepper to ground beef and brown off on med high.
Drain excess grease. Sprinkle with flour while stirring until mixture is dry.
Continue stirring until mixture is well blended. Add cold milk while stirring.
Allow to simmer 30 minutes. Add additional salt/pepper to taste. Enjoy
I couldn't agree MORE! I used to get this in the AF chow halls over hash browns, and I couldn't WAIT to have that each morning, I really miss chow hall breakfasts'. I don't know if it's made with milk though in the AF. I found a video on youtube a few years back that made it with chicken stock and a dash of Worcestershire sauce. I thought it tasted pretty close to me when I made it.