So I guess they think they will somehow be doing something by not attending? Who gives a crap. But I would like to personally thank 2 of them from the bottom of my heart, that I don't have to see their nasty faces not once on my screen. And they have the audacity, and comical, idea to call Trump a racist, while they are 2 of the worst - Maxine Waters and Frederica Wilson. Also the criminal John Lewis, who I believe was arrested about 40x? And also Earl Blumenauer.

Or maybe they don't want to sit there stewing about all the successes America has had this past year?


Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson 4th Lawmaker to Boycott Trump’s State of the Union

Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL) announced that she would be boycotting President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address later in the month over his alleged remarks about “shithole” countries.

“For the first time since I began serving in the U.S. House of Representatives, I will not be attending the president’s State of the Union address,” Frederica Wilson said in a statement obtained by the Tampa Bay Times.

“I have no doubt that instead of delivering a message of inclusivity and an agenda that benefits all Americans, President Trump’s address will be full of innuendo, empty promises, and lies,” she added.

The Florida Democrat said Trump “demeaned the presidency” during his first year in office and called the president’s alleged remarks about Haiti, El Salvador, and several African countries “racist and incendiary.”

“The United States’ reputation is smoldering in the ashes of his recent racist and incendiary remarks about Haiti and African nations. Many of his proposed domestic policies are harmful to people of color, low-income communities, and the middle class,” Wilson said.

“It would be an embarrassment to be seen with him at a forum that under any other president would be an honor to attend.”

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