Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
I heard a lot of GI's from other branches that ate in AF chow halls comment that the AF had the best food they'd ever ate on base. I don't know how I did it but I'd eat a huge breakfast with seconds, lunch, dinner and midnight chow at the Flight Kitchen when I lived on base and never gained a pound. Must have had some ass kickin' metabolism going on when I was 24-25 years old, and I'm talkin' two cheese burgers with all the topings, lettuce, tomato, cheese, mayo, and fries on the side from the Flight Kitchen. I think midnight chow started at the back window on the chow hall at like 10:00PM. I worked a lot of swing shifts at Nellis AFB so I relied on that.

I'll tell ya... I MISS the Air Force, and I regret not pushing harder to life it now, instead of letting them shuffle me into some dead end job after I got medically taken off the flight line. I couldn't have cared a shit less if I'd have been sent into action, that WAS why I was there. I would have LOVED to have seen my F-16s in action. If I got killed, oh well, gotta die sometime. There was just something about the military that REALLY appealed to me, the regimentation, the security, the brotherhood, the uniform... IDK... maybe all that together... I miss it... some of the best times of my life.

I think, deep down. No matter what branch all of us were in. We all loved much of it. Otherwise, none of us would have succeeded to the levels we did. I will always miss the navy, even though much of the time was spent away from home for many, many months, and every day was a countdown to GETTING HOME AGAIN.
The experiences, and the people we shared them with...are what made us VETERANS.