Broken And All Hope Lost, What Does One Do

I am old, tired and I no longer want to write
the old kettle is broken and tea leaking out
Kitchen is a hot mess and floors are dirty too
the ancient windows are shattered, O' what a sight
just time to pack it in, of that there is no doubt!

Where does eagle fly when its feathers are all gone
into canyon walls crashing into a sad heap
Nature may speak loud and although man may ignore
we all end up buried and cast into white bones
with our destroyed dreams and that eternal deep sleep!

So tell me, what real Hope can you, my friends, now give
that an old dog can chew on that is not crushed rock
Lights are off, this cold hurts so and heat is not on
Fighting for my survival and this life still live
as the trumpet sounds and I hear that old tick tock!

I am old, tired and I no longer want to write
the old kettle is broken and tea leaking out
Kitchen is a hot mess and floors are dirty too
the ancient windows are shattered, O' what a sight
just time to pack it in, of that there is no doubt!

R.J. Lindley
November 10th, 1990
Rhyme,(Where Dark Shadows Prevail)