I've never been in the military before. Even as a civilian, the closest I've ever come to a cockpit was the first row in coach class! With that said - even I think 5 feet is a little close for comfort - no?


Russian jet flies within 5 feet of US Navy plane, Pentagon says

Washington (CNN)A Russian Su-27 jet performed an unsafe intercept of a US Navy surveillance plane while it was flying in international airspace over the Black Sea Monday, three defense officials told CNN.

The American pilots reported that the Russian jet came within 5 feet of the US plane, according to two of the officials.

The Russian jet's action forced the US Navy aircraft to end its mission prematurely, one of the officials said.

US Naval Forces Europe, which oversees US operations in the region, later confirmed the incident in a statement.

"This interaction was determined to be unsafe due to the SU-27 closing to within five feet and crossing directly through the EP-3's flight path, causing the EP-3 to fly through the SU-27's jet wash," Capt. Pamela Kunze, a spokesperson for US Naval Forces Europe told CNN.

Rest - https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/29/polit...sea/index.html