BEIRUT - Syrian Kurdish forces and the Damascus government have reached an agreement for the Syrian army to enter the Afrin region to help repel a Turkish offensive, a senior Kurdish official told Reuters on Sunday.
Badran Jia Kurd, an adviser to the Kurdish-led administration in north Syria, said army troops will deploy along some border positions and could enter the Afrin region within the next two days.

Wow. Let's see how this works.

The US supports the Kurds in Afrin. Turkey is attacking the Kurds in Afrin. Turkey is a NATO ally of the US.

Russia has been attacking the Kurds in Afrin in support of Turkey. Russia is an ally of Syria, supporting both Syria and Turkey.

NOW ...

Syria is making a deal with Syrian Kurds to go into Afrin and stop Turkey

So that puts the US in a position of supporting the Gov't of Syria IF we continue to support the Kurds, and the position of supporting Russia and Syria against a NATO ally. It Puts Russia in the position of fighting itself Russia is going to have to choose -- Turkey or Syria.

It puts the Kurds in the position of getting screwed no matter what.

What a clusterc*ck. Good time to make an exit. Especially if the Kurds we are supporting is making a deal with the Government of Syria. What is not clear is WHICH kurds are making this deal. There are two groups. If it's the pro-government Syrian rebels, that's no deal. Last report, the kurds in Afrin were the ones we support and want their own piece of land. Problem there is, THOSE Kurds occupy lands across the Turkish border and have been sewing dissent because they want a chunk of Turkey too.

I bet if we just left we wouldn't be missed. We're supposed to be there in support of destroying ISIS, not taking care of someone's civil war(s).