Quote Originally Posted by mundame View Post
The most interesting thing to me about these law-enforcement confessions of fault was how fast and completely they admitted to the worst one --- that a person "close to the suspect" had called the FBI on Jan. 5 this year and detailed a lot of issues and said explicitly that this person was afraid he would shoot up a school.

This is called getting out in front of a story, and is what public officials have to do when somebody has got them absolutely dead to rights. Supposing it was a relative of that family he was staying with, that person would have been within a day all over the media telling his story: with notes, witnesses he had talked to about it, phone record, the whole proof. I'm sure they would have shut this person up if they could, but there was no way, so they had to come clean.

Otherwise I am quite sure they would not have.

A lot of people think the FBI was too busy working on a soft coup against the president to do their jobs, and I agree. This agency needs to be dismantled.
A "TOP" to bottom "cleansing" certainly wouldn't hurt.