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    Quote Originally Posted by Polite Russian View Post
    Don't worry, majority here, as I know, just don't care. They just live and do their majority things.
    We are the country of cynics. I don't know anyone, who actually believe any propaganda. And those who believe usually just have less IQ then a piece of bread.
    (See comments)

    I'm not a diplomat and so I'll say directly ...

    I'm not a diplomat and so I'll say it straight.

    Boris Johnson said: England will confront Russia as long as it includes the Crimea.

    I'm not a diplomat and so I'll say directly - Russia does not care much about what England wants from Russia. England has nothing to frighten Russia. Everything else does not impress Russia.

    Peter Poroshenko said: the day after Russia leaves the Crimea and returns the Donbass, Ukraine will begin negotiations with her on the whole spectrum of problems. That is, immediately the day after the return of the Crimea.
    I'm not a diplomat and therefore I will say directly - there was such a Soviet film: "Tomorrow will never come." This is about your case, Petya.
    An American real colonel said that Russia wrongly believes that if it uses nuclear weapons, it will serve the purposes of de-escalating tensions. Russia is wrong. The use of nuclear weapons will not serve as de-escalation. Moscow so does not reach its goals.
    I'm not a diplomat and so I will say directly - and we are not going to seek de-escalation AFTER the use of nuclear weapons. We achieve de-escalation BEFORE its application. And after that we will simply destroy you - together with the rest of the world. This is our goal of using nuclear weapons. So say anything, but do not even try.
    I am not a diplomat, and therefore I will say directly that Russia will not allow the existence of an anti-Russian Ukraine and either subordinate it to its goals or destroy it to its foundations. No matter how many years it will take. There are enough forces and opportunities for this in Russia. And there will be no compromises here. Wandering as she likes, Ukraine is the mistaken dream of Ukrainian rulers. Erroneous and harmful to their health.
    I am not a diplomat, and therefore I will say directly - dear former republics of the USSR, especially Georgia, Belarus and Kazakhstan! Russia temporarily tolerates your lack of control and will certainly put you under its control. It will never be so that you will decide for yourself what external alliances you will join and what sticks in the wheels of Russia you will insert. What to dictate to her the conditions. Than her blackmail and scare. Do not get carried away. It will never be like this forever. You will be returned back and placed in a subordinate position. And you yourself know this very well, just delay the moment of the coming of this hour. As soon as Russia strengthens its economic power, the elites of all former republics will be replaced by obedient to Russia. By force and bribery it will be done. So Russia has always done and there is no reason to think that this time will be different. No chance.
    The Baltic states will also be returned under Russian control or strangled to the point of exhaustion. The reason is simple: Russia needs control of the way out of the Baltic Sea to the Danish Straits and the North Sea, and it will be received. Not now, so after 200 years. But it will be so. Europe will never hesitate to forever lock Russia through the bottleneck of the Baltic ports. If this requires dismantling NATO - Russia will do it. And he will not stop until he does. Fortunately, NATO has many enemies in the world except Russia. There are with whom to unite.
    I'm not a diplomat, and therefore I will say directly - Russia will put Europe on a gas needle and thereby take it by the throat, no matter how it twitches. And after that Russia spits on the objections of Europe in Ukraine and will do what it considers necessary - naturally, giving a face to Europeans. Ukraine, no one will save anything. Her karma is like that. And just as Russia will squeeze America out of Europe - even if it is necessary to put pressure on a couple with China and this will take 200 years.
    I'm not a diplomat, and therefore I will say directly - Russia will do everything to destroy the US first reputationally, and then economically and militarily. As the United States does not reconcile with the existence of Russia, Russia will not reconcile itself to the existence of the United States. All the nastiness that Russia can make the US, she will do. Which can not - postpone for later and do later. But he will certainly do - there should be no illusions.

    I'm not a diplomat, and therefore I will say directly - No one will wean Russia from imperial ambitions and reflexes. Russia was, is and will be a great empire and it will destroy everyone who tries to resist it. Even if it takes 300 years.
    I'm not a diplomat, and therefore I will say directly - Russia will destroy the fifth column and finish the technological backwardness of the past. To do this, the fight against corruption will take a more severe form. The grounds for this are the following: the elites have already formed and have come to a consensus on the way to survive. It consists in dissociation from the US and their agents. To strengthen the domination of the domestic budget, the budget will play a crucial role and anyone who encroaches on stealing through kickbacks and cuts is subject to mopping up. Yeltsin's clan is doomed. Liberals are doomed. Their time ended after 2014, when Crimea returned to Russia. They will not be told about it, but it is so. It is time for a new elite agreement. The old ones have lost their power. The special forces will wage war with the West through the state corporations and anyone who tries to interfere as an enemy of the people will be eliminated. Economically, politically, and if necessary - physically. The transition period to such a regime is six years after Putin's election in March 18th. Start the process - from 8-00 Moscow time on March 19, 2018.

    The Russians are just kind of nice and quick-witted. In fact, the Russians remember all the evil that they have ever suffered, and remember all those who caused it. The weakness of the Russians is deceptive. It is temporary and always turns into their strength. They are incredibly tenacious and quickly trained. History showed it. The Russians are very stubborn and persistent. Resting once, they will die, but they will not back down for anything, but after retreating, they will certainly return and beat the lost. They are ready to endure any need, unpretentious and indifferent to losses. No amount of traitors in the ranks of Russians should inspire hope. No matter how many of them turn out to be, the Russians will certainly destroy among themselves those who betrayed them, and will destroy them cruelly. Publicly and graphically.
    Russians are naïve and trustful, but they are as sensitive as wild beasts, and they can not be deceived. Never dare to offend the Russians and hope that it will get away with it. Those who did this made deadly mistakes. One can never believe that the Russians will be able to decompose, destroy and corrupt. No matter how deep these processes go, at a certain moment the Russians will come to their senses and say: "Stop, enough! Stir the movie back. It does not matter whether Moscow, Paris, Berlin, London or Washington is ahead of it." Russia's enemies never believe that the Russians will one day find themselves in their capitals - but the Russians always find themselves there. Never touch Russians. Do not betray them, do not beat them in the back, or you start digging your own grave, not yourself, your children, or your grandchildren.
    I am not a diplomat, and therefore I can afford it myself - to say very important things that are very important, which you should never forget if you deal with the Russians. The Russians always return what anybody came to Russia with. He came with good - return good. Has come with peace - the world will return. Came with death - will return death. Never try to play with the Russians in various small and cunning political games. Russians are not the people with whom such things go. The more you have the illusion that you started and you succeed, the more painful it will be to sober up. Play it with anyone you want - but not with the Russians. This is not chauvinism - this is a warning. As a warning on the post: "Do not climb - it will kill!" If you do not believe it and then you do not have to take offense. You have been Warned.

    I am not a diplomat and therefore can afford it. Although diplomats sometimes lose patience.
    But the Russians have one thing - they are straightforward. This makes it very easy to work with them. Do not look for something more in the Russian words than what they said. As a rule, then it always turns out that they warned, but they were not heard. Or heard, but did not believe.
    I'm not a diplomat, and therefore I will say directly - do not expect that you are lucky with the Russians. You are not lucky with them. They are good friends, but as enemies they are even better. If they are your neighbors, be very careful and do not make sudden movements. Moreover, do not try to show the Russians that you can make them disgusting. This is very dangerous for you. Never try to scare the Russians.

    Then, perhaps, you will remain alive.
    This is the truth that diplomats will not say.
    But someone must, right?

    Alexander Khaldei

    Last edited by Balu; 02-27-2018 at 03:12 PM.
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