Vladimir Putin is calling on the U.S. to release evidence of Moscow’s alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
The Russian president shook off the accusations in interview on Friday, calling them “Nothing more than yelling and hollering in the united states congress.”
He also dodged questions regarding the 13 Russians named in special counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment.
Putin said the U.S. should send Russia’s general prosecutor an official request, instead of using alleged propaganda to attack the Kremlin.
“My point of view is the individuals who have said that a new Cold War has started are not really analysts. They do propaganda,” said Putin. “If you were to speak about arms race than an arms race began at exactly the time and moment when the U.S. opted out of the Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty.”
Putin also touted his newly revealed nuclear ballistic missiles, saying they could hit any point in the world, including the U.S.

More chest thumping by the election candidate/incumbent/Next President of Russia. Got a pont though. Anyone seen Mueller present any evidence? The accused DOES have the Right to review any evidence to be used against him/her/them.