Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
Look you sorry, red-ass propaganda spewing piece of shit ... say my President's name right or don't post it. And I WILL and CAN fuck up every single one of your posts if you don't get that shit squared away REAL quick.'

It's one thing if another dumbass, leftwingnut American wants to disrespect Trump. They voted for the Right to. YOU, on the other hand, have NO rights. You don't get to vote for your President, and you don't get to vote for mine. I haven't seen anyone fucking with your President for Life's name, you can do the same or I will clear my fucking desk and live waiting for your sorry, puppy, I was born after the Cold War ass to log on.

Fact: russia illegally invaded Ukaraine and stole Crimea form a sovereign nation.

Fact: Russia is involving itself in Syria's civil war and complicit in the use of chemical agents against civilian targets.

You assume we get our info from just the news like you. You could be wrong. Lots of military vets on this board. So go fuck yourself.
until I see the evidence, I won't believe it. when will you present the evidence?
I ask you not to be nervous, I urge you to calm down.
I didn't insult you