`Good guy with a gun opened fire at a Maryland high school shooter and ended the threat. Now, don’t

anybody tell David Hogg or any of the students down at the school in Parkland, ’cause this is not what

anybody wants to hear.

St. Mary’s County sheriff’s office was on the scene of a school shooting, a high school shooting in Maryland.

ABC confirmed with sources three students were injured. One of the three is the shooter. A school resource

officer was on duty and took action to end the threat. A school resource officer exchanged gunfire with the

shooter at the Maryland school and ended it.`

WTOP in Washington reporting the shooting began with a single shot fired at a girl in the hallway at the start of the school day at Great Mills High.

Unclear how many more shots were fired, as the students and staff alerted the resource officer. That officer then moved to engage the shooter, pulled the trigger, and ended the threat.

Now, I’m gonna tell you what. If the media could do one thing right here, they would not mention the shooter’s name at all, they would not give the shooter any publicity whatsoever, but they would make damn certain the world knows how he was stopped.

It wasn’t a gun-free zone. It wasn’t a student march. It wasn’t anything other than an armed security agent in the school known as a school resource officer!

School safety is the issue, right? And this worked. Three injured. One is the shooter.

And if the accounts we have are what happened, then thank God for the armed security. David Hogg and the students organized by leftist adults, if they had their way, there wouldn’t be armed security in this school.

If they got their way, the look at the armed security in any school and the shooter in Maryland today would have been a lot further along before anybody showed up to stop him. Am I right?

There’s no alternative way to look at this. David Hogg and all the students at Parkland out there marching and protesting demanding no guns in the schools and whatever else and get rid of the NRA.

The shooting in Maryland would have gone on a lot longer than it did had their way of doing things had been in place.
