Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
If we're speculating it's also possible, since Neither Syria or Russia needed Chem weapons to defeat "the rebels"/ISIS/AQ,
that they'd be happy to hear that the U.S was going to pull out. And the only people unhappy would be those that want "regime change" via U.S. forces.
Trump and U.S troops leaving is the last thing the rebels/ISIS/AQ wanted. the last thing that Saudi Arabia, other Arab states, Israel or the oil companies wanted. Heck it's the last thing John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Rex Tillerson, John Bolton, and the usual suspect neo-cons wanted. The regime change backers and/or the "the rebels" could easily set up a chem "attack" and blame Assad just to force Trump to stay in the game. BTW the "Attacks" were in the "rebel" controlled areas, and the reportage is from "the rebels". Not independent sources, nothing confirmed.

Trump did in fact have other options. 1st of all PROVE publicly the details of the crime. that's a start. that'd put Syria and Russia in the worse light. Next follow the constitution and international law. Follow the words of his campaign promises.

the U.S. leaving Syria is exactly what Assad and Russia has wanted from the start. the best thing for them would be to do nothing.
it makes ZERO sense for them to use chemical weapons on anyone.

If we're speculating, that makes more sense objectively speaking IMO.
There was an opportunity to teach both Russia and Syria that the use of chemical weapons against civilian populations WILL NOT be tolerated.

That opportunity was taken. It was taken, and as a result, facilities needed by Syria for future such attacks were destroyed. And, this is a BAD thing ?

Revelarts, why do you REALLY hate what was done ? Why do you Lefties always work to support the wrongdoers ?

Please, explain it to me.