And these are the people that the majority of the time, PICK THE PRESIDENT for the REST of America? I think it's time we rethink CA. Either divide it in two, or if they continue to allow illegal aliens to vote, don't count their votes in federal elections. These people are fucking INSANE.

California Gov. Jerry Brown To Ban Sales Of The Bible

Sales of the Holy Bible and Biblical based teaching is set to be banned in California in the near future thanks to Governor Jerry Brown and the state assembly who have combined to force a bill through the state assembly that claims the Bible promotes hate speech against gays, lesbians and transgender people.

Assembly Bill 2943 will threaten the freedom of religion and First Amendment rights of Christians in California. Using the state’s “consumer fraud statute” to restrict religious freedom and free speech, the bill seeks to ban sales of the Bible because it includes verses that fall outside what Gov. Brown considers “acceptable teaching” on sexuality issues.