We'll soon have this too. Inanimate guns involved in killing? Ban the guns. Folks start using knives? Ban the knives. Folks use bombs, cars, poison, spoons, baseball bats... - just ban them as they come along, this will definitely stop criminals and murderers from committing their crimes.

No gun laws in Britain, some of the harshest laws in America are in Chicago. Well now, those areas are proof.


British Politicians Declare War on Knives

Having failed to thwart crime with gun bans, British officials now want to restrict what may be the most useful tool ever invented.

It turns out that when you pass laws disarming people in an attempt to prevent violence, criminals who habitually disregard all laws don't make exceptions for the new rules. In London, crime still thrives despite the U.K.'s tight gun controls and the British political class is now desperately turning its attention to restricting knives.

A flurry of recent headlines reveal that London now has a higher murder rate than New York City, a metropolis of nearly identical population and one long considered more vulnerable to crime. "London police investigated more murders than their New York counterparts did over the last two months," Reuters reported earlier this month. "In the latest bloodshed, a 17-year-old girl died on Monday after she was found with gunshot wounds in Tottenham, north London, a day after a man was fatally stabbed in south London."

Commentators note that this may be a blip and that New York City's murder rate for 2017 stood at more than double that for London. In fact, London's murder rate really hasn't risen much—instead, New York's has dropped dramatically. But that still represents a big shift. In her 2002 Guns and Violence: The English Experience, historian Joyce Lee Malcolm noted that "New York City's homicide rate has been at least five times higher than London's for two hundred years. For most of that time, there were no serious firearm restrictions in either city."

Rest - http://reason.com/archives/2018/04/2...-knife-control